2025/01/06 update
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This TM20 task updates treasury.xlsx end-year information and creates a history membership.accdb
⇓ 1. Start – Backup, Time-In, fiscal-yyyy+1:
⇓ 2. Update PayPal Worksheet – end fiscal-yyyy; start fiscal-yyyy+1:
⇓ 3. Update Allocations Worksheet:
⇓ 4. Setup Fiscal-yyyy+1 worksheet (i.e. new fiscal-yyyy):
⇓ 5. Finalize Fiscal-yyyy worksheet (i.e. current fiscal-yyyy):
⇓ 6. Add Membership-Cost Section to membership$ worksheet:
⇓ 7. Create membership.accdb History file:
⇓ 8. Stop – Time-Out, close files:
⇑ 1. Start – Backup, Time-In, fiscal-yyyy+1:
F:\ > backup treasury.xls (do not move this files!) select file then drag and copy to folder backup (in the Copy File window, use option Copy, but keep both files) – this retains the prior backup file and creates a new generation
Open treasury.xls; in name-hours worksheet, enter Date, Task = TM30 and Time-In
Copy worksheet start-fiscal (before current fiscal-yyyy worksheet); title tab fiscal-yyyy+1
Move allocations worksheet to right side of new fiscal-yyyy+1 worksheet
Delete Fiscal-yyyy-5 worksheet
⇑ 2. Update PayPal Worksheet – end fiscal-yyyy; start fiscal-yyyy+1:
In PayPal worksheet; select/delete all rows below last accounting row (select rows, point at selected row numbers, right click, select Delete)
In start-PP-year worksheet; select/copy worksheet – select 13 rows, copy (Ctrl+c) to clipboard
In PayPal worksheet; point at row below last accounting row; right click; select Insert Copied Cells
In Summary Totals row of inserted rows; AutoSum Credit and Debit columns for fiscal-yyyy;
In heading row of inserted rows; update for fiscal-yyyy+1
In Start row of inserted rows; update Date cell equal 4/25/yy (where yy = calendar year); Balance cell = ending Balance of fiscal-yyyy (remaining rows will now each show the starting balance)
⇑ 3. Update Allocations Worksheet:
In allocations worksheet insure Future Changes……….. rows for fiscal-yyyy were/are copied and inserted into the fiscal-yyyy workbook based on date
Insure fiscal-yyyy Allocations rows were/are inserted based on actual dates
Delete remaining fiscal-yyyy allocations (this leaves fiscal-yyyy+1 allocations rows)
Select, copy (Ctrl+c), and Insert all fiscal-yyyy+1 allocations rows at bottom
Update these rows with fiscal-yyyy+2 in all cells
⇑ 4. Setup Fiscal-yyyy+1 worksheet (i.e. new fiscal-yyyy):
Update header row with fiscal-yyyy+1 information
Update start row; Date cell equal 4/25/yy (where yy = calendar year); Balance$’s with ending Balance$ from fiscal-yyyy
⇑ 5. Finalize Fiscal-yyyy worksheet (i.e. current fiscal-yyyy):
Delete all rows below last accounting row in fiscal-yyyy worksheet
Copy fiscal-yyyy-1 six bottom Fiscal-End-Summary rows to bottom of fiscal-yyyy
Review/resolve all formulas and enter PayPal credit, debit, balance, and beginning-balance cells
⇑ 6. Add Membership-Cost Section to membership$ worksheet:
Create +1Membership-Cost section – select all rows of fiscal-yyyy Membership-Cost section, paste to bottom, change year in heading row to fiscal-yyyy+1
Update fiscal-yyyy Membership-Cost section – update all highlighted cells with actual information
⇑ 7. Create membership.accdb History file:
Toggle …..SHARE>FMAATC; copy (Ctrl+c) membership.accdb; open SHARE>FMAATC>history; paste (Ctrl+v) clipboard’s file; change pasted file name to “yyyy-membership.accdb” (where yyyy = fiscal-yyyy)
⇑ 8. End Task – Time-Out, close files:
at treasury.xlsx > name-hours > enter Time-Out > save > close
☕ 🙂