
2019/01/19 update

Page Links

Characters and Symbols – HTML Entities, Decimal reference, Hexadecimal reference:

The standard visual-editor is a WYSIWYG editor (it is a plugin named TinyMCE). TinyMCE Advanced is a separate plugin which expands TinyMCE features)

Html Entity example – special space: emsp; preceded by & and highlighted

Decimal reference example – black telephone  #9742; preceded by & and highlighted (why is this red?)

Hexadecimal reference example – smiley face: 🙂 #x1F642; preceded by &

When character entity html is entered via the text-editor, the html is replaced with the actual character entity when the visual-editor is selected. Upon returning to the text-editor the character entity html is shown only as actual character entity. Any additional formatting (like font size, highlighting, etc.) is shown.

This change does not occur until the visual-editor tab is selected. So, the page can be updated while using the text-editor and no html change occurs.

Code to represent buttons (using emsp; and ensp; character entities):

Minimize Application

Close Application X

Close Application/Tab X

Last Record or Page >|

Toggle (Alt+Tab) close xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Windows-Explorer folder icon) X

Toggle (Alt+Tab) treasury.xls>name-hours worksheet, enter Time-Out; save file; close file X


Character entity spaces (between x’s) – emsp; and nbsp; (preceded by &)

x xnormal spacebar

x xemsp; xxemsp;+highlight

x xnbsp; x xnbsp;+highlight

Character entity special character (preceded by &)

⇓ dArr; down arrow ⇑ uArr; up arrow ⇐ lArr; left arrow ⇒ rArr; right arrow

↓ darr; down arrow ↑ uarr; up arrow ← larr; left arrow → raArr; right arrow

‹ lsaquo; single left-pointing angle quotation mark › rsaquo; single right-pointing angle quotation mark

↺ #8634; open circle anticlockwise ↻ #8635; open circle clockwise

⅛ #8539; ⅜ #8540; ¼ #188; ½ #189; ⅝ #8541; ¾ #190; ⅞ #8542;

° deg; ¢ cent; ⋆ Star; ★ bigstar; ☆ star; ∓ mnplus; … hellip; hellip;+highlight

☕ #x2615; coffee

🙂 #x1F642; smiley-face

💾 #128190;
💿 #128191;
📀 #128192;
📁 #128193;
📂 #128194;
📃 #128195;
📄 #128196;
📅 #128197;
📆 #128198;
📇 #128199;



Fonts **************************************************

This is font ????????? within standard page (looks like Open Sans).

This is font-family Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; theme CSS.

This is font-family Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; theme CSS.

This is font-family Arial, sans-serif – not theme CSS.

This is font-family Calibir, sans-serif – not theme CSS.

This is font-family Consolas, Monaco, Lucida Console, monospace theme CSS.

This is font-family Times New Roman – not theme CSS.


Fonts 2*************************************************

This is font ????????? within standard page (looks like Open Sans).

This is font-family Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; theme CSS.

This is font-family Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; theme CSS.

This is font-family Arial – not theme CSS.

This is font Calibir – not theme CSS.

This is font Consolas theme CSS.

This is font-family Times New Roman – not theme CSS.

Spacing control within a line – using span style=”padding-left: nnpx;”

xxxx xxxx
xxxx xxxx
xxxx xxxx

xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy